A student solved an equation, as shown below.

The first line shows 1 over 4 left Parenthesis 8 minus 12x right parenthesis equals x minus 2 left parenthesis 2x plus 1 right parenthesis, second line shows 2 minus 3x equals x minus 4x plus 2, third line shows 2 minus 3x equals 3x plus 2, fourth line shows 2 minus 3x plus 3x equals negative 3x plus 3x plus 2. Fifth line shows 2 equals 2.

Based on the student's work, complete the statement below.

Use the drop-down menus to make the statement below true.

The student solved the equation ​
because the original equation has

all real numbers as solutions.

no solutions.

The student solved the equation because the original equation has been simplified and all the terms and variables have been combined on one side of the equation.