21. A ribbon 6 1/8

feet in length is shortened by having 2 1/12
feet cut off one end. What is the length of the shortened ribbon?(1 point)

To find the length of the shortened ribbon, we need to subtract the length that was cut off from the original length.

Original length: 6 1/8 feet (or 49/8 feet)
Length cut off: 2 1/12 feet (or 25/12 feet)

To subtract fractions, we must have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 12.

49/8 - 25/12

To convert 49/8 to a fraction with a denominator of 12, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 3:
(49/8) * (3/3) = 147/24

Now we can subtract the fractions:
147/24 - 25/12

Since the denominators are the same, we can subtract the numerators directly:
147/24 - 25/12 = (147 - 25)/24 = 122/24

We can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:
(122/2) / (24/2) = 61/12

Therefore, the length of the shortened ribbon is 61/12 feet.

thats wrong

I apologize for the mistake. Let's try solving the problem again.

Original length of the ribbon: 6 1/8 feet

To subtract the length that was cut off, we need to subtract 2 1/12 feet from the original length.

2 1/12 feet can be written as an improper fraction: (2 * 12 + 1)/12 = 25/12 feet

Now we can subtract the fractions:

6 1/8 - 25/12

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 8 * 12 = 96.

Converting 6 1/8 to a fraction with a denominator of 96:

(6 * 8 + 1)/8 = 49/8

Now we can subtract the fractions:

49/8 - 25/12

To have a common denominator of 96:

(49/8)(12/12) - (25/12)(8/8) = 588/96 - 200/96 = 388/96

Now, let's simplify the fraction:

388/96 divided by 4 (dividing both the numerator and denominator by 4):


Therefore, the length of the shortened ribbon is 97/24 feet.


4 and 1 over 24 feet

3 and 5 over 24 feet

4 and 9 over 24 feet


The length of the shortened ribbon is 4 and 9/24 feet, which can be simplified to 4 and 3/8 feet.

Simplify the expression.


0.625 + 34 = 34.625

Simplify the expression.


To simplify the expression 0.625 + 3/4, we need to find a common denominator for the two numbers.

The decimal 0.625 is equivalent to the fraction 625/1000.

Now, let's find a common denominator between 1000 and 4, which is 1000.

0.625 + 3/4 = 625/1000 + 750/1000

Now that we have the same denominator, we can add the fractions:

625/1000 + 750/1000 = 1375/1000

Next, we can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 125:

(1375/125) / (1000/125) = 11/8

Therefore, the simplified expression 0.625 + 3/4 is equal to 11/8.

