Convert 3.875×10^9 meters to kilometers. Express the answer to the exact decimal place.

Note: 1 kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters.

To convert 3.875×10^9 meters to kilometers, divide the number of meters by 1,000:

3.875×10^9 meters ÷ 1,000 = 3.875×10^6 kilometers.

So, 3.875×10^9 meters is equal to 3.875×10^6 kilometers.

Convert 4.083×10^6 kilometers to meters. Express the answer to the exact decimal place.

Note: 1 kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters.

To convert 4.083×10^6 kilometers to meters, multiply the number of kilometers by 1,000:

4.083×10^6 kilometers × 1,000 = 4.083×10^9 meters.

So, 4.083×10^6 kilometers is equal to 4.083×10^9 meters.

Ali’s farmhouse has a height of 2.307×10^8 meters. Convert the height to centimeters. Express your answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place.

Note: 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

To convert the height of 2.307×10^8 meters to centimeters, multiply the number of meters by 100:

2.307×10^8 meters × 100 = 2.307×10^10 centimeters.

So, the height of Ali's farmhouse is 2.307×10^10 centimeters.

Alberto added two very small numbers using a calculator. The calculator displayed the number 6.13E−14 . What is this number in scientific notation?(1 point)


The number 6.13E-14 is already in scientific notation. It is represented as 6.13×10^-14.

Dina computed the mass of 1,000 protons in grams. The calculator displayed the number 1.67E−21. What is the mass of 1,000 protons in scientific notation?(1 point)

1.67 × ___ grams

The mass of 1,000 protons in grams is 1.67E-21 grams. In scientific notation, it is represented as 1.67 × 10^-21 grams.

To convert 3.875×10^9 meters to kilometers, you need to divide the given value by 1,000 since there are 1,000 meters in 1 kilometer.

We can perform this calculation in two steps. First, let's divide 3.875×10^9 by 1,000:

3.875×10^9 ÷ 1,000 = 3.875×10^6

Now we have the value in kilometers, which is 3.875×10^6. However, we need to express this answer to the exact decimal place. The decimal place is shown by the exponent in scientific notation.

In this case, the exponent is 6, so the decimal place will be located after the sixth digit from the left. Since the given value is 3.875, we simply move the decimal point six places to the left:

3.875 → 0.003875

Therefore, 3.875×10^9 meters is equal to 0.003875 kilometers, expressed to the exact decimal place.