Venus has the smallest orbital eccentricity of any of the planets. What is the eccentricity of Venus?(1 point) Responses 0.0068 0.0068 1.0300 1.0300 0.0000 0.0000 0.8040

The eccentricity of Venus is 0.0068.

The eccentricity of Venus is 0.0068.

To find the eccentricity of Venus, we can refer to astronomical data. The eccentricity of a planet's orbit describes how elliptical (or elongated) the orbit is. A value of 0 represents a perfectly circular orbit, while a value of 1 represents a highly elliptical orbit.

To get the official eccentricity value for Venus, we can consult reputable sources like NASA or other astronomy databases. One such reliable source is NASA's Planetary Fact Sheet. Here are the actual eccentricity values for the four given options:

- 0.0068
- 1.0300
- 0.0000
- 0.8040

Based on the information you provided, the correct eccentricity value for Venus is 0.0068.