What is an example of a SMART goal?

S- Specific
T-Time bound

Example: "I will increase my daily vegetable consumption by eating two servings of vegetables with each meal for the next 30 days."

An example of a SMART goal is: "I will lose 10 pounds in the next three months by exercising for at least 30 minutes, five days a week, and following a healthy diet plan. I will track my progress by weighing myself every week and adjusting my routines as needed to stay on track." This goal is specific, as it clearly defines what needs to be achieved (losing 10 pounds). It is measurable, as it includes a specific target (10 pounds) and a tracking mechanism (weighing every week). It is achievable, as it is a realistic and attainable goal for many people. It is realistic, as it takes into account a healthy rate of weight loss and incorporates exercise and diet changes. Lastly, it is time-bound, as it sets a timeframe of three months to achieve the goal.

A common example of a SMART goal is: "I will lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months by exercising at least 3 times a week and following a healthy diet."

To make this goal SMART, let's break it down:

Specific: The goal clearly states losing 10 pounds, which is a specific amount.

Measurable: The goal can be measured easily by keeping track of the weight lost.

Achievable: Losing 10 pounds in 3 months is a reasonable and achievable goal for many people.

Realistic: The goal is realistic, assuming the person is committed to following through with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Time-bound: The goal has a specific timeframe of 3 months to achieve the weight loss.

By setting a goal like this, it becomes easier to track progress, stay motivated, and adjust actions if necessary.