Which of the following analogy shows an analogy of degree?(1 point)


shirt: tank top
shirt: tank top

big: huge
big: huge

right: left
right: left

smelly: odorless
smelly: odorless

big: huge

The analogy that shows an analogy of degree is "big: huge."

The analogy that shows an analogy of degree is "big: huge."

To understand this analogy, we need to first understand what an analogy is. An analogy is a comparison between two things that have similar features or characteristics. In this case, we are looking for an analogy that shows a comparison of degree or intensity.

In the analogy "big: huge," we are comparing the degree or intensity of size. "Big" is a descriptor for something that is larger than average, while "huge" is a descriptor for something that is even bigger than "big." Therefore, this analogy demonstrates a comparison of degree, where "huge" is a stronger or more intense version of "big."

By analyzing the words used in each option, we can determine that the analogy "big: huge" is the one that shows an analogy of degree.