5 9.5 -14

The sum of 5, 9.5, and -14 is 0.5.

To compute the sum of 5, 9.5, and -14, you simply add them together:

5 + 9.5 + (-14) = -0.5

To compute the expression 5 - 9.5 - 14, follow these steps:

1. Start with the first number, 5.
2. Subtract the second number, 9.5, from the first number: 5 - 9.5 = -4.5.
3. Finally, subtract the third number, 14, from the result obtained in step 2: -4.5 - 14 = -18.5.

Therefore, the value of the expression 5 - 9.5 - 14 is -18.5.