can i tell you about my comic

Of course! I would love to hear about your comic. Please tell me all about it.

so there is a boy named isere lateley he has been able to use power such as portals aura at his feet to fly with and to stop time or slow time now for some reason his older self takes him to the future to deal with the enemy in the future which is like a god isere does not know what he has instore until the follwing chapters

That sounds like a fascinating concept for a comic! I love the idea of Isere discovering and harnessing his powers, especially the ability to manipulate time and use portals. It must be quite a thrilling journey when his older self takes him to the future to confront a powerful enemy.

I'm intrigued by the anticipation of what awaits Isere in the following chapters. It sounds like there will be plenty of action, surprises, and character development along the way. I'm curious to know more about this god-like enemy and how Isere will face them.

If you have any specific plot points, character details, or themes you'd like to share about your comic, I'd be happy to hear more.

well i will tell you more about the older version of isere and the normal version of isere but for now can you tell me what needs improvement

Certainly! Without knowing specific details about your comic, it's a bit difficult to provide precise suggestions. However, here are a few general aspects that you may consider for improvement:

1. Character Development: Ensure that your characters have depth, distinct personalities, and relatable motivations. Explore their pasts, fears, and desires to make them more engaging for readers.

2. World Building: Create a rich and immersive world for your story. Consider developing the rules and limitations of the powers your characters possess, the history of the universe they exist in, and any unique cultural or societal aspects that may contribute to the plot.

3. Plot Structure: Make sure your story has a clear structure and pacing. Introduce conflicts and obstacles that your protagonist must overcome, while maintaining a coherent plot progression.

4. Dialogue: Ensure that your characters' dialogue feels natural and authentic. Each character should have their own distinct voice, and the conversations should contribute to the story's development.

5. Artistic Presentation: Pay attention to the visual aspect of your comic. Ensure that your illustrations effectively convey the emotions, actions, and environments of the story. Consistency in art style and quality is crucial for an enjoyable reading experience.

Remember, these suggestions are general and may not apply specifically to your comic. It's always a good idea to gather feedback from readers and other creators to further refine and improve your work.

ok now i will tell you about older isere from the future and present isere :D

That sounds great! I'm excited to learn more about the older version of Isere from the future and his dynamic with the present Isere. Please go ahead and share the details.

so older isere for some reason has brown hair he explains his hair is brown because of when he past through the portal for some reason he changed in some ways younger version of isere has black hair and is amazed by what the future looks like nothing looks futureistic yet until they get to the base which to be told in the 2nd chapter

That's an interesting contrast between the older and younger versions of Isere! It's intriguing that the older Isere's physical appearance has changed, specifically his hair color, due to his experiences traveling through the portal. I'm curious to know how this transformation will affect his abilities or perception of himself.

It also sounds exciting that the future setting initially doesn't appear futuristic to the younger Isere. It creates a sense of mystery and builds anticipation for the reveal of the futuristic elements in the upcoming second chapter, particularly in the base they visit.

As the story progresses, I imagine there will be opportunities for the two versions of Isere to learn from each other, face challenges together, and potentially create a unique bond. Exploring their similarities and differences can add depth to their relationship and make for engaging character development.

I look forward to finding out more about the base and how it connects to the overall plot in the next chapter. If there are any specific details or themes you'd like to share about the interaction between the two versions of Isere, I'd be happy to hear more.

isers powers are so far stage 1: his eyes turn blue then like i told you portals aure to fly with and stop time and slow time :stage 2 is blue hair and blue eyes now he can do all the things from stage 1 but now he can use blue energey in anyway he wants to like a weapon or has a blue energy chargeing blast :stage 3 the midas god: stage 3 is where he gets the power of the midas touch but sadly he cant use it without the midas got takeing control of his body interley :stage 4: in the story there is a villan that wants becomes a hero like the rest of the crew which i well tell you later but sadly he is killed by the god that older version of isere told him about so once he dies he bestows his powers on to isere which is a golden thorny crown that bestow the powers of plants they call it the power of sage: stage 5: the guy that is only visible in his dreams like i told you the guy that was acutally a god the "creator" this god told him that he is the sucsseor of his power so stage 5 is the creator it gives him the power of anything ever possible the only draw back is that he cant use his powers for 1 day.

Wow, Isere's power progression seems quite intriguing and complex! The different stages of his powers add layers of excitement and development to his character arc. Here are my thoughts on each stage:

1. Stage 1: Isere's initial powers of portals, aura flight, and time manipulation. This already sets a strong foundation for his abilities and gives him a versatile range of skills.

2. Stage 2: The addition of blue hair and blue eyes, along with the ability to manipulate blue energy for offensive purposes like weapons or blasts, adds an extra layer of strength and visual distinction to Isere's powers.

3. Stage 3: The "Midas God" stage presents an interesting twist. The concept of Isere gaining the Midas touch but struggling with the god taking control of his body adds a conflict and potential source of tension in the story. It opens up opportunities for internal struggles and character development.

4. Stage 4: The transfer of powers from the villain who wants to become a hero to Isere, in the form of a golden thorny crown that grants him plant-based abilities, sounds intriguing. This power bestowal creates a link between Isere and the fallen villain, and it can lead to further exploration of themes like redemption and legacy.

5. Stage 5: Isere being identified as the successor of the "creator" god's power, granting him the power of anything imaginable, is a fantastic concept. The drawback of not being able to use his powers for a day adds an interesting limitation and raises questions about the consequences of such incredible abilities.

Overall, the progression of Isere's powers and the introduction of various stages and sources of power provide a compelling narrative arc. It creates an opportunity for growth, challenges, and exploration of both personal and external conflicts.

I'm excited to see how Isere navigates these stages, overcomes obstacles, and develops as a character within the context of your comic.

the crew of heros are you glad to hear them?

Absolutely! I'm glad to know that there is a crew of heroes in your comic. A team of heroes can bring a sense of camaraderie, different abilities, and unique dynamics to the story. It often provides opportunities for teamwork, character interactions, and collective efforts to overcome challenges.

Having a crew of heroes also allows for the exploration of different perspectives, backgrounds, and individual storylines within the larger narrative. Each member of the crew could contribute their own strengths and weaknesses, forming a well-rounded and diverse group.

I'm excited to learn more about the crew of heroes and how they interact with Isere. If there are any specific details or themes about the crew that you'd like to share, I would love to hear more.

1st crew member isaac he is the 2nd guy that joined he wheres a stone mask that only covers his eyes when he takes them off all he sees is colors he has anxiety the mask helps him see stuff normaly but when its off these colors are colors of the world like pink is the base if swipes through it its like a cloud but in real time everyone will see him deystory anything touches without his stone mask on.

Isaac sounds like a fascinating character with a unique visual impairment and a captivating mask. His reliance on the stone mask to see the world in a "normal" manner adds an intriguing layer to his story. The idea that without the mask, he sees the world as colors and is inadvertently destructive is quite intriguing.

His anxiety as a character trait adds depth to his personality and allows for further exploration of his struggles and growth throughout the comic. It provides an opportunity to delve into themes of acceptance, self-discovery, and finding ways to effectively cope with anxiety.

The stone mask itself, with its ability to alter Isaac's perception and control his destructive impulses, offers not only a physical attribute but also symbolizes the duality of his existence. It could serve as a source of conflict, as well as a visual symbol of his journey and personal challenges.

Overall, Isaac seems like a great addition to the crew of heroes, bringing a unique perspective and challenges that they will need to overcome together. I'm excited to see how Isaac's character develops and how he interacts with other crew members and contributes to the overall storyline.

well connected to anxiety is 1 but he cant see life without the mask so his power is kinda like a god certain stuff is colors like people are yellow people that he find famillar will be a certain like how isere is blue so if swiped through his colored cloud he would kill him.

Ah, I see! So Isaac's power is directly connected to his anxiety, making it as though he possesses god-like abilities when certain things, like people, appear as specific colors. The colored cloud you mentioned adds an interesting dynamic to his power, making it particularly dangerous for those who are close to him, such as Isere.

This relationship between anxiety, perception, and the potential harm Isaac's power can cause adds a layer of complexity to his character. It provides an opportunity to explore themes of control, responsibility, and the delicate balance between personal struggles and the impact they might have on others.

Isaac's power also presents potential challenges for the crew, as they need to manage his anxiety while still harnessing his unique abilities to their advantage. This can create tension and interesting dynamics within the team, as they work together to find a way to channel Isaac's powers effectively without causing harm.

I'm intrigued to see how Isaac's character arc unfolds and how his power and anxiety are further explored in the context of your comic. It sounds like a compelling and thoughtful representation of mental health themes within a superhero narrative.

wanna hear about more about the crew or about issac's details

I would love to hear more about the crew and Isaac's details! Please feel free to share any additional information or specific details about the crew members or any other aspects of your comic.


My apologies for the confusion! Let's focus on Isaac's details first. Please go ahead and provide more specific information about Isaac's character.

i dont know why i said that im still makeing his backstory hmm ok ill tell you anyway so once he got this power at the base he was terribly scared so you can imagined he hit everything around him which means the base was completey and all of the things around him were destroyed lucky most of them survived except his pet frog but thats why the place looks like a desert wasteland now

Thank you for sharing that backstory for Isaac. It's understandable that when he first gained his power, he was overwhelmed by fear and accidentally caused significant destruction to the base and its surroundings. This event, resulting in the base transforming into a desert wasteland, adds a layer of consequence and weight to his character's journey.

The loss of his pet frog during this incident could also serve as a catalyst for Isaac's personal growth and development. It can deepen his understanding of the importance of controlling his powers and the potential consequences of his actions.

Furthermore, the desert wasteland setting adds an interesting visual contrast and a sense of urgency to the story. It provides opportunities for exploration, survival challenges, and the potential need to restore what was lost.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Isaac grapples with his fears, learns to control his powers, and potentially finds ways to reconcile with the consequences of his actions. It's shaping up to be an engaging arc for his character within the broader narrative.


Absolutely! Now, let's dive into the details of the other heroes in the crew. Please share more about the remaining members of the team, including their powers, personalities, backgrounds, or any significant aspects that make them unique. Feel free to provide as many details as you'd like.

2nd iseres older self his power is like a god two isere older version issac present time isere are in the top 3 god like powers group that dosent mean they always work together they are the people with the strongest powers but that dosent make isere present time stronger there is 7 other people stronger then him but back to the powers of iseres older self so his powers is that he can create anything he wants excpet in the future of the chapters the power of anything will be limited to only he long as its not living

Thank you for sharing the details about the older version of Isere! It's fascinating to hear that his power is comparable to that of a god. The ability to create anything he wants, with the limitation of non-living objects, opens up countless possibilities for his character and the story. This power makes him an incredibly formidable force and emphasizes his importance within the group of top-tier powers.

It's intriguing to learn that there are seven individuals even stronger than Isere in the present timeline. This introduces an interesting dynamic within the crew, highlighting the diversity and hierarchy of power levels among the members.

As the story progresses, the limitation on the power of anything being limited to non-living objects in the future chapters adds an intriguing twist. It presents an opportunity to explore the consequences and potential challenges that arise from such limitations, as well as the resulting impact on his abilities and actions.

I'm excited to see how the older Isere's power and character develop throughout the comic, and how he interacts with the other members of the crew. It'll be interesting to witness their cooperation or potential conflicts within the team, considering their differing power levels and abilities.

3rd is a female she is the enginner her name is alfey were women name right? well i like it alfey has the powers of controlling and anything metal but she can also but energy into them to make them do a certain task like a turret or something else.

Yes, "Alfey" is a great name for the female engineer character! It suits her role as the engineer in the crew. Her ability to control and manipulate anything made of metal sounds very interesting and versatile. The fact that she can also infuse energy into metal objects to give them specific functions, like creating turrets, adds a layer of ingenuity and resourcefulness to her character.

As the engineer of the team, Alfey's powers and skills in working with metal can be essential in various situations. She can use her abilities to construct weapons, gadgets, and specialized equipment that can aid the crew in their missions. Her expertise in technology and mechanics can be valuable for solving problems and overcoming obstacles.

Additionally, her power can also create interesting dynamics within the team, especially if other members rely on her creations or require her assistance in combat situations. This can foster teamwork and interdependence among the crew members.

I'm excited to see how Alfey's skills and resourcefulness come into play throughout the comic and how she interacts with the other members of the crew. Her power set and role as the engineer bring a unique element to the team and contribute to their overall dynamic.

4th kai the lone wolf kinda guy his power is lava he mostly like useing the power of lava to create weapons his favorite is a spear but he can do much more then that for example he can not fly so he uses lava to make him float off the ground and make the power of his lava go fast as he wants sometimes he will make it throw him into the air to get somewhere high however he is in the top 7 strongest.

Kai sounds like a fascinating character with the power to manipulate lava. His preference for using lava to create weapons, like his favorite spear, adds a unique and visually striking element to his abilities. It showcases his creativity in utilizing his powers in combat situations.

The way Kai utilizes his lava power to float off the ground and control the speed of his lava flow to propel himself into the air demonstrates his resourcefulness and adaptability. It allows him to overcome the limitation of not being able to fly and provides him with a means of transportation.

Being one of the top 7 strongest individuals in the crew, Kai's power level positions him as a formidable force within the team. His combination of lava manipulation, combat skills, and his lone-wolf personality bring a compelling dynamic to the group dynamic.

I'm curious to learn more about Kai's backstory, personal motivations, and how he interacts with the other members of the crew. His power of lava manipulation and his position among the strongest individuals in the group make him an intriguing character to watch as the story unfolds.

5th lane the women she has the power to control people she bassicaly has telkenesies kinda but she unlocks and 2nd power in the story where can manuplate her own hair i know its werid but she likes it she just dosent say it a lot also she likes older isere just dosent like talking about it :)

Lane sounds like an intriguing character with the power to control people, giving her a form of telekinesis. This ability holds considerable potential for both conflict and intrigue within the story. It raises questions about the ethical use of her powers and the extent to which she can control others.

Unlocking a second power, which allows her to manipulate her own hair, adds an interesting twist to Lane's abilities. While it may seem unusual, it adds a unique aspect to her character and can serve as a creative and versatile tool in various situations.

It's also interesting to learn that Lane has romantic feelings toward the older Isere, even though she keeps it to herself. This unspoken dynamic introduces the potential for personal conflicts and complexities within the team, as Lane wrestles with her emotions while still maintaining her role as a member of the crew.

I'm curious to see how Lane's powers evolve and how she navigates her personal feelings as the story progresses. Her ability to control people and manipulate

6th LEON he wears a cowboy hat he likes cowboys he likes alphey but alphey likes present time isere ima gonna stop saying present time and just say 2016 isere instead anyways leons power is his rage he becomes a red aura around him being a example of his rage he can use it in different ways like his aura will streach and grab and roof of a building and propell him self off it.
