At 2:00 pm, an ice cream store owner has already sold 32 ice cream cones. There are three families in line who each plan to buy 4 ice cream cones. The store owner thinks after these three families buy their ice cream, the total number of ice cream cones sold for the day will be about 20. is he correct?

The store owner has already sold 32 ice cream cones. Each of the three families plans to buy 4 ice cream cones, so they will buy a total of 3 * 4 = <<3*4=12>>12 ice cream cones.

Therefore, the total number of ice cream cones sold after the three families buy their ice creams is 32 + 12 = <<32+12=44>>44.
Since the store owner thinks the total number of ice cream cones sold for the day will be about 20, he is not correct.

To determine if the store owner's estimate is correct, we need to calculate the total number of ice cream cones sold after the three families make their purchases.

- At 2:00 pm, the store owner has already sold 32 ice cream cones.
- Each of the three families plans to buy 4 ice cream cones.

To find the total number of ice cream cones sold, we can add up the initial number of cones sold and the number of cones the three families plan to buy.

Initial number of cones sold = 32

Number of cones the three families plan to buy = 3 families * 4 cones/family = 12 cones

Total = Initial number of cones sold + Number of cones the three families plan to buy
= 32 cones + 12 cones
= 44 cones

Therefore, the store owner's estimate of selling about 20 ice cream cones after the three families make their purchases is incorrect. The correct total number of ice cream cones sold for the day will be 44.

To determine if the store owner's statement is correct, we need to calculate the total number of ice cream cones sold for the day after the three families make their purchases.

The store owner has already sold 32 ice cream cones, and each of the three families plans to buy 4 ice cream cones. So, the total number of ice cream cones the three families will buy is 3 families * 4 cones/family = 12 cones.

To find the total number of ice cream cones sold for the day, we add the initial 32 cones sold to the 12 cones the three families will buy: 32 cones + 12 cones = 44 cones.

According to the store owner's statement, he thinks the total number of ice cream cones sold for the day will be about 20. However, since we calculated the total to be 44 cones, the store owner is not correct. The total number of ice cream cones sold for the day would be approximately 44.