At 2:00 pm, an ice cream store owner has already sold 32 ice cream cones. There are three families in line who each plan to buy 4 ice cream cones. The store owner thinks after these three families buy their ice cream, the total number of ice cream cones sold for the day will be about 20.

Select options below:

To find the total number of ice cream cones the families in line will buy, the store owner should multiply 4 cones by 3 families to get
The store owner should
the number of cones already sold for the day.
The store owner's estimate of 20 total ice cream cones sold is

To find the total number of ice cream cones the families in line will buy, the store owner should multiply 4 cones by 3 families to get 12 cones.

The store owner should subtract the number of cones already sold for the day.
The store owner's estimate of 20 total ice cream cones sold is a prediction or estimate.

To find the total number of ice cream cones the families in line will buy, the store owner should multiply 4 cones by 3 families to get 12 cones.

The store owner should add the number of cones already sold for the day, which is 32.

The store owner's estimate of 20 total ice cream cones sold is less than the actual number of ice cream cones sold, which would be 32 + 12 = 44 cones.

To find the total number of ice cream cones the families in line will buy, the store owner should multiply 4 cones by 3 families to get 12 cones. This is because there are 3 families in line and each family plans to buy 4 ice cream cones.

The store owner should then add this number to the number of cones already sold for the day, which is 32. Adding 12 cones to 32 cones will give the total number of cones sold after the families in line buy their ice cream.

Finally, the store owner's estimate of 20 total ice cream cones sold is incorrect. The correct total number of cones sold would be 32 (cones already sold) + 12 (cones bought by the families in line) = 44 cones.