Which phrase describes one purpose of headings in an informative text?(1 point)


to explain the main idea of a section

to make the text more interesting

to provide details that support the central idea

to show the relationship between the ideas presented

to explain the main idea of a section

Which step should a writer take before deciding how to organize their informative text?(1 point)


Create an original hook for an introduction.

Look at the facts and ideas collected.

Write a rough draft.

Create headings for the text.

Look at the facts and ideas collected.

Which type of organizational structure is best for a report that describes French and American cooking?(1 point)


cause and effect

problem and solution

compare and contrast

time order/chronological or sequence

The phrase that describes one purpose of headings in an informative text is "to explain the main idea of a section."

The purpose of headings in an informative text is to explain the main idea of a section. To determine this answer, you can look for clues within the text structure and organization. Headings are typically used to provide an overview and guide the reader through the content, making it easier to understand and navigate. By providing a clear and concise summary of the main idea of each section, headings help readers quickly grasp the overall message of the text and locate specific information within it.