Paulita is going to build a storage cube. Each edge is 14 inches. The wood costs $0.03 per square inch. Use 0.03(5e2) , where e is the edge length, to evaluate for e = 14 . (1 point)






I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is $29.40.

To find the cost of purchasing 10 canisters of coffee and 8 boxes of tea, we can substitute c=10 and b=8 into the expression 7c+4b:

7(10) + 4(8) = 70 + 32 = 102

Therefore, it will cost Mrs. McDonald $102 to purchase 10 canisters of coffee and 8 boxes of tea. The correct answer is $102.

I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is $96. Substituting c=10 and b=8 into the expression 7c+4b gives us:

7(10) + 4(8) = 70 + 32 = 102

Therefore, the cost of purchasing 10 canisters of coffee and 8 boxes of tea is $102.


Mrs. McDonald is going to buy coffee and tea for her local food pantry. At Costless she can buy a canister of coffee, c

, for $7 and a box of tea, b
, for $4. This is modeled by 7c+4b
. Evaluate for c=10
and b=8
to find how much it will cost Mrs. McDonald to purchase 10 canisters of coffee and 8 boxes of tea.(1 point)





u sure

Miss Yang has bulletin boards of different sizes in her classroom. She wants to calculate how much border she needs for each one. The length of each bulletin board is 6 inches less than three times its width, w

. Simplify w + 3w − 6 + w + 3w − 6
to find the formula for the perimeter of each of Miss Yang’s bulletin boards.(1 point)

6w2 − 10
6 w squared minus 10

8w − 12
8 w minus 12

6w − 10
6 w minus 10

8w2 − 12
8 w squared minus 12

To simplify the expression w + 3w - 6 + w + 3w - 6, we can combine like terms:

w + 3w + w + 3w - 6 - 6 = 8w - 12

Therefore, the formula for the perimeter of each of Miss Yang's bulletin boards is 8w - 12. The correct answer is 8w - 12.

Simplify 2x + 11y − 1 + 5x − 3y +7

.(1 point)

13xy + 2xy − 6
13 x y plus 2 x y minus 6

13xy + 2xy + 6
13 x y plus 2 x y plus 6

7x +8y − 6
7 x plus 8 y minus 6

7x +8y +6

To simplify the expression 2x + 11y - 1 + 5x - 3y + 7, we can combine like terms:

2x + 5x + 11y - 3y - 1 + 7 = 7x + 8y + 6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 7x + 8y + 6. The correct answer is 7x + 8y + 6.