Denise used one six of a bottle of conditioner for her cat peaches and 1/3 of what was left on her cat butter. How much of the bottle of conditioner did she use on butter

Let x be the amount of conditioner left after Denise used some for Peaches.

Denise used x/3 for Butter.
She used (1/6)x + (1/3)(x/3) = x/6 + x/9 = (3x/18) + (2x/18) = 5x/18 of the bottle of conditioner on Butter. Answer: \boxed{\frac{5}{18}}.

To find out how much of the bottle of conditioner Denise used on butter, we need to calculate the total amount of conditioner used on Peaches and then subtract that amount from the original bottle.

Let's assume the original bottle had x amount of conditioner.

Denise used 1/6 of x on Peaches, so the amount of conditioner left is:

x - (1/6)x = (5/6)x

Now, Denise used 1/3 of what was left on butter, which is:

(1/3) * (5/6)x = (5/18)x

Therefore, Denise used 5/18 of the bottle of conditioner on butter.

To find out how much of the bottle of conditioner Denise used on her cat Butter, we need to follow a few steps.

Step 1: Determine the initial quantity of conditioner Denise used on her cat Peaches.
Denise used 1/6 of the bottle of conditioner on her cat Peaches. So, if we assume that the bottle is the whole or one unit, then 1/6 of the bottle is used.

Step 2: Calculate the remaining quantity of conditioner.
To find out how much conditioner is left after using 1/6 of the bottle, we need to subtract 1/6 from 1 (since the whole bottle is represented by 1 unit). So, 1 - 1/6 = 5/6 of the bottle remains.

Step 3: Determine the quantity of conditioner Denise used on her cat Butter.
Denise used 1/3 of what was left on her cat Butter. Since 5/6 of the bottle was left, we need to find 1/3 of 5/6. To do this, we multiply 5/6 by 1/3:
(5/6) * (1/3) = 5/18

Therefore, Denise used 5/18 of the bottle of conditioner on her cat Butter.