Amir is importing 3D assets to PlayCanvas. Which file format does Amir use?

(1 point)






Amir would use the FBX file format to import 3D assets to PlayCanvas.

To determine which file format Amir uses to import 3D assets to PlayCanvas, we can look for information regarding the accepted file formats for importing assets in PlayCanvas.

One way to find this information is to visit the PlayCanvas documentation or support website. You can search for "PlayCanvas asset import file formats" or a similar query on a search engine to find the official PlayCanvas documentation.

Alternatively, you can also ask fellow PlayCanvas users on forums or communities dedicated to PlayCanvas development for their insights on which file formats are commonly used for 3D asset importing.

Please note that the actual supported file formats for 3D asset importing in PlayCanvas may vary and change over time, so it is essential to consult official PlayCanvas resources for the most accurate and up-to-date information.