Eve is a game developer who works for a large game development company. She is a member of a 200-person team who has

worked together for many years to create the detailed and vast environments of a very popular game. Which of the following
game design styles does Eve help to create?
(1 point)





Eve helps to create the world design style for the game.

Given the information provided, Eve helps to create the "world" of the game.

To determine which game design style Eve helps to create, we need to understand the different styles and their characteristics.

1. Experience-based design: This style focuses on creating immersive and engaging gameplay experiences for players. It often includes elements like exploration, discovery, and player-driven decision-making.

2. Narrative design: This style emphasizes storytelling and creating a well-defined narrative structure for the game. It involves crafting engaging characters, plotlines, and dialogue to drive the player's progression through the game.

3. System design: This style focuses on designing and balancing the underlying game mechanics, systems, and rules. It includes things like gameplay mechanics, character progression, combat, AI behavior, and simulation elements.

4. World design: This style involves creating the detailed and vast environments in which the game takes place. It includes level design, environmental storytelling, world-building, and creating a cohesive and immersive game world.

Based on the information given, Eve's role as a game developer who works on detailed and vast environments suggests that she helps to create the world design style. Eve contributes to building the detailed and immersive game environments in collaboration with her 200-person team.

Therefore, the correct answer is: World.