Marshall is playing an ultra-version of rock-paper-scissors. Instead of only three choices, there are five possible signals, and a

bracket tournament of waiting opponents, but there's still the same goal: to predict what the opponent might do and choose a
more powerful response. This game would be characterized in what genre?
(1 point)






The game described, with its bracket tournament and the goal of predicting opponents' actions and choosing powerful responses, is characteristic of the strategy genre.

To determine the genre of the game described, we can analyze the characteristics provided. In this game, Marshall is participating in a bracket tournament with opponents and the objective is to predict and choose a more powerful response to the opponent's move.

Based on these characteristics, the most appropriate genre for this game would be strategy. Strategy games typically involve making decisions to outsmart opponents and achieve a specific goal. In this case, the goal is to predict and counter the opponent's moves.