finf the alliteration

Crete, but King Minos kept strict watch over them, and no ships were allowed to sail without being carefully searched.

2 Daedalus was an ingenious artist and was not discouraged by his failures. "Minos may control the land and sea," he said, "but he does not control the air. I will try that way.

King Minos kept strict...

find the alliteration

and no ships were allowed to sail without being carefully searched.

2 Daedalus was an ingenious artist and was not discouraged by his failures. "Minos may control the land and sea," he said, "but he does not control the air. I will try that way.

In the given text, I have identified the following instances of alliteration:

1) "ships were allowed to sail without being carefully searched"
The words "ships" and "sail" share the same initial "s" sound.

2) "Daedalus was an ingenious artist"
The words "Daedalus" and "ingenious" share the same initial "d" sound.

3) "Minos may control the land and sea"
The words "Minos" and "may" share the same initial "m" sound.

Please note that alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound in adjacent or closely connected words, so I have highlighted the instances according to that definition.

The alliteration in the given text is:

1. King Minos kept strict watch
2. carefully searched
3. discouraged by his failures
4. Minos may control
5. land and sea
6. control the air

The alliteration in the given text is "King Minos kept." Alliteration refers to the repetition of the same sound or letter at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. In this case, the "k" sound is repeated in "King" and "kept."