Choose which reflexive verb belongs in the blank in each sentence.

Nosotros _______ los dientes antes de acostarse.
1 point
nos cepillamos
se viste
se cepillan
nos vestimos

nos cepillamos

Nosotros nos cepillamos los dientes antes de acostarse.

To determine which reflexive verb belongs in the blank in the sentence "Nosotros _______ los dientes antes de acostarse", we need to understand the subject of the sentence and the appropriate verb form for that subject.

The subject of the sentence is "nosotros," which means "we" in English. Therefore, we need to use the reflexive pronoun "nos" before the verb. Looking at the options provided: "nos cepillamos," "se viste," "se cepillan," and "nos vestimos," only "nos cepillamos" includes the correct reflexive pronoun "nos" for the subject "nosotros."

Therefore, the correct choice is "nos cepillamos."