i have a few questins is that alr?

Of course! Please go ahead and ask your questions. I'm here to help.

which question would most likely be asked after finishing a text

what does the authors purpose appear to be

how are the different subheads related

why was this particular character introduced

which might be the larger importance of this text

The question "what does the author's purpose appear to be?" is a commonly asked question after finishing a text.

what should a reader do after a prediction is confirmed

modify the prediction

replace the prediction

continue making prediction

stop making prediction

After a prediction is confirmed, a reader should modify the prediction to align with the new information received.

soo which one?

The correct answer is "modify the prediction".

can i ask 1 more?

Absolutely! Please feel free to ask another question.

in which way are you monitoring comprehension if you write down words that are unfamiliar while reading the texts

Taking notes
using background knowledge
asking questions