Use the image to answer the question.

What is the rate of this graph?(1 point)

Without an image, I am unable to answer the question accurately. Please provide the image or describe it in more detail so that I can assist you.

a graph shows 0- (-6) on the y axis, and 0 - 6 on the x axis. A line is going from 0 down diagonal to just over -6

Based on the description provided, the rate of this graph can be determined by looking at the slope of the line. Since the line is going from 0 down diagonally to just over -6, it is a negative slope. The rate can be calculated by dividing the change in y-coordinate (vertical axis) by the change in x-coordinate (horizontal axis).

In this case, the change in y-coordinate is from 0 to just over -6, which is a decrease of approximately 6. The change in x-coordinate is from 0 to 6, which is an increase of 6.

Therefore, the rate of this graph can be expressed as -6/6, which simplifies to -1. This means that for every increase of 1 in the x-coordinate, the y-coordinate decreases by 1.

To determine the rate of the graph, you need to calculate the change in the dependent variable (y-axis) divided by the change in the independent variable (x-axis) between two points on the graph.

However, since I cannot see the image, please provide a description or provide more details about the graph so I can assist you further.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I am unable to view or interpret images directly. However, I can assist you in understanding how to determine the rate of a graph without visual reference.

The rate of a graph refers to the slope or steepness of the line on the graph. To calculate the rate, you need to find the change in the y-values divided by the change in the x-values for any two points on the line.

Here is a step-by-step process to determine the rate of a graph:

1. Select two points on the line of the graph. These points should be visibly separated and have distinct x and y values.
2. Determine the difference between their y-values (often referred to as the "rise") by subtracting the y-coordinate of one point from the y-coordinate of the other point.
3. Calculate the difference between their x-values (referred to as the "run") by subtracting the x-coordinate of one point from the x-coordinate of the other point.
4. Divide the "rise" (change in y-values) by the "run" (change in x-values).
5. The resulting quotient is the rate of the graph. It represents how much the y-values change per unit of x.

If you can provide the specific coordinates or values from the graph, I can guide you further on how to calculate the rate using those data points.