Which of the following contributed to the increase economic and military power of the sumerians

The increase in economic and military power of the Sumerians can be attributed to several factors. Some of the key contributions include:

1. Agriculture and Irrigation: The Sumerians developed sophisticated irrigation systems, such as canals and dikes, to control the flow of water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This allowed them to expand agricultural production and increase food surpluses, leading to population growth and economic prosperity.

2. Trade Networks: The Sumerians established extensive trade networks that connected them with neighboring regions. They traded goods such as grains, textiles, metals, and pottery, which helped them accumulate wealth and gain economic influence in the ancient world.

3. Writing System: The Sumerians invented one of the earliest forms of writing known as cuneiform. This development not only facilitated administrative tasks but also enabled the recording of economic transactions, legal codes, and historical accounts. This literacy advantage contributed to their economic and military dominance as they could maintain efficient records and communication systems.

4. City-States and Centralized Government: The Sumerians organized themselves into city-states, each with its own ruler and government structure. This centralized authority allowed for efficient resource allocation, tax collection, and mobilization of military forces.

5. Military Innovations: The Sumerians were pioneers in military technology and tactics. They developed advanced weapons such as the composite bow and chariots, which gave them a military advantage over their enemies. Additionally, their well-trained and organized armies enabled them to conquer neighboring territories and expand their influence.

6. Cultural and Scientific Advancements: The Sumerians made significant contributions to various fields, including mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and law. These advancements enhanced their overall societal development, which in turn contributed to their economic and military power.

Overall, the combination of agricultural surplus, trade networks, advanced writing system, centralized government, military innovations, and cultural achievements all played crucial roles in the increase in economic and military power of the Sumerians.

The Sumerians experienced an increase in economic and military power due to several factors. Here are the key contributors:

1. Agricultural Innovations: The Sumerians developed advanced irrigation systems, such as canals and dikes, which allowed them to control the flow of water and irrigate their fields. This led to increased agricultural productivity and a surplus of food, supporting a growing population and providing resources for trade.

2. Trade Networks: The Sumerians had extensive trade networks that stretched across Mesopotamia and beyond. They traded goods like textiles, pottery, metalwork, and grains, which contributed to their economic prosperity and allowed them to acquire valuable resources and knowledge from other regions.

3. City-States: The Sumerians organized themselves into independent city-states. Each city-state had its own government, economy, and military. The competition between these city-states led to advancements in military technologies, strategies, and the organization of armies. This allowed the Sumerians to defend their territories and expand their influence.

4. Military Innovations: The Sumerians were early adopters of advanced military technologies. They developed and used weapons such as copper-tipped spears, axes, and composite bows, which gave them an advantage in warfare. They also developed techniques for siege warfare, including the use of fortified walls and siege towers.

5. Cultural Influence: The Sumerians had a significant cultural impact on surrounding regions. Their cities were centers of learning and innovation, attracting scholars, artists, and craftsmen from other areas. This cultural influence helped to establish Sumerian city-states as important political and economic players in the region.

These factors combined to contribute to the increase in economic and military power of the Sumerians, making them one of the most influential civilizations of the ancient world.

To determine which of the following factors contributed to the increase in economic and military power of the Sumerians, we need to examine the options:

1. Development of irrigation systems
2. Establishment of city-states
3. Invention of the wheel
4. Introduction of cuneiform writing

Now let's break down each option to understand its contribution:

1. Development of irrigation systems: The Sumerians relied on agriculture for their economy, and the development of irrigation systems allowed them to control water flow and effectively cultivate the land. This increased crop yields and facilitated surplus production, leading to economic growth and an expansion of military capabilities. Therefore, the development of irrigation systems significantly contributed to the increase in economic and military power.

2. Establishment of city-states: The Sumerians organized themselves into independent city-states, each with its own government, ruler, and military forces. This decentralized structure allowed for political stability, efficient governance, and local defense. Consequently, the establishment of city-states played a crucial role in bolstering the Sumerians' economic and military power.

3. Invention of the wheel: The Sumerians' invention of the wheel was a significant technological advancement that revolutionized transportation and trade. With wheeled vehicles, they could move goods more efficiently, establish trade networks, and access resources from wider areas. Although this innovation indirectly contributed to economic and military growth, it had a substantial impact on facilitating trade and expansion.

4. Introduction of cuneiform writing: Cuneiform writing was one of the earliest forms of writing developed by the Sumerians. It enabled record-keeping, communication, and administration within the city-states. This writing system facilitated economic transactions, allowed for the centralized organization of resources, and played a role in coordinating military operations. Therefore, the introduction of cuneiform writing had a significant impact on enhancing economic and military power.

Considering the options, all of them played an important role in the increase in economic and military power of the Sumerians. However, the most notable contributors were the development of irrigation systems, establishment of city-states, invention of the wheel, and the introduction of cuneiform writing.