What is a pronoun?

What is a pronoun?

a word that describes a noun

a word that replaces an adjective

a person, place, thing, or idea

a word that replaces a noun

a word that replaces a noun

What is an antecedent?

1. What is an antecedent?

the word that comes directly before a pronoun

an adjective that describes a noun

the noun that the pronoun replaces

the adjective that the pronoun describes

the noun that the pronoun replaces

Classify the underlined pronoun.

We went to the mall on Saturday.

Classify the underlined pronoun.

We went to the mall on Saturday.

first person, plural, personal pronoun

third person, singular, personal pronoun

third person, plural, personal pronoun

first person, singular, personal pronoun

first person, plural, personal pronoun

Classify the underlined pronoun.

Those jeans are mine.

Classify the underlined pronoun.

Those jeans are mine.

third person, plural, possessive pronoun

first person, plural, possessive pronoun

first person, singular, possessive pronoun

third person, singular, possessive pronoun

first person, plural, possessive pronoun

What is a verb?

What is a verb?

it expresses an action or state of being

a word that describes a pronoun

a person, place, thing, or idea

it receives the action of a verb

it expresses an action or state of being

Classify the underlined verb.

Bertha tasted the coffee.

Classify the underlined verb.

Bertha tasted the coffee.

action verb

linking verb

helping verb

verb phrase