which equation has no solution? select all that apply



To determine which equations have no solution, we need to simplify each equation and check if the variables cancel out or result in a contradiction. Let's analyze each equation one by one:

1. -4(x + 3) = 12 - 4x:
Expanding the brackets yields -4x - 12 = 12 - 4x. Rearranging this equation gives -4x + 4x = 12 + 12, which simplifies to 0 = 24. Since this is not true, there is no solution for this equation.

2. -2(w - 2) = -3 - 2w:
Expanding the brackets gives -2w + 4 = -3 - 2w. Rearranging this equation results in -2w + 2w = -3 - 4, which simplifies to 0 = -7. Since this is not true, there is no solution for this equation.

3. 8k + 38 = -3(-6 - 4k):
Simplifying the right side of the equation first gives -3(-6 - 4k) = 18 + 12k. Now, our equation becomes 8k + 38 = 18 + 12k. By rearranging, we have 8k - 12k = 18 - 38, which simplifies to -4k = -20. Dividing both sides by -4, we get k = 5. Thus, this equation has a solution, k = 5.

4. 36 - 7y = -7(y - 5):
Expanding the brackets yields 36 - 7y = -7y + 35. By rearranging the equation, we have -7y + 7y = 35 - 36, which simplifies to 0 = -1. Since this is not true, there is no solution for this equation.

Therefore, the equations that have no solution are:
-4(x + 3) = 12 - 4x
-2(w - 2) = -3 - 2w
36 - 7y = -7(y - 5)

To determine which equation has no solution, we need to solve each equation and check if it leads to a contradiction or an inconsistency. Let's go through each equation:

1. -4(x+3) = 12-4x
To solve this equation, we can start by distributing the -4 on the left side:
-4x - 12 = 12 - 4x

Now, let's simplify by adding 4x to both sides:
-12 = 12

Since -12 does not equal 12, this equation leads to a contradiction. Therefore, the equation -4(x+3) = 12-4x has no solution.

2. -2(w-2) = -3 - 2w
We can solve this equation in a similar manner by distributing the -2 on the left side:
-2w + 4 = -3 - 2w

Simplifying further, we add 2w to both sides:
4 = -3

Once again, we encounter a contradiction where 4 does not equal -3. Therefore, the equation -2(w-2) = -3 - 2w also has no solution.

3. 8k+38 = -3(-6-4k)
We will rewrite the right side of the equation by multiplying and distributing:
8k+38 = 18 + 12k

Next, we'll simplify by subtracting 12k from both sides:
-4k + 38 = 18

Now, let's subtract 38 from both sides to isolate -4k:
-4k = -20

Finally, we'll divide both sides by -4 to solve for k:
k = 5

In this case, we were able to find a value for k that satisfies the equation. Thus, the equation 8k+38 = -3(-6-4k) has a solution.

4. 36 - 7y = -7(y-5)
To solve this equation, we'll distribute -7 on the right side:
36 - 7y = -7y + 35

Following this, we can simplify by adding 7y to both sides:
36 = 35

Once again, we encounter a contradiction where 36 does not equal 35. Therefore, the equation 36 - 7y = -7(y-5) has no solution.

So, the equations that have no solution are -4(x+3) = 12-4x and 36 - 7y = -7(y-5).