Panting with eagerness, and struggling to suppress my hopes, I hurried home, and rushed up stairs to my room,—having first provided myself with a candle, though it was scarcely twilight yet,—then, shut and bolted the door, determined to tolerate no interruption, and sitting down before the table, opened out my prize and delivered myself up to its perusal—first, hastily turning over the leaves and snatching a sentence here and there, and then, setting myself steadily to read it through.

I have it now before me; and though you could not of course, peruse it with half the interest that I did, I know you would not be satisfied with an abbreviation of its contents and you shall have the whole, save, perhaps, a few passages here and there of merely temporal interest to the writer, or such as would serve to ,begin underline,encumber,end underline, the story rather than elucidate it. It begins somewhat abruptly, thus—but we will reserve its commencement for another chapter.

(from ,begin underline,The Tenant of Wildfell Hall,end underline, by Anne Brontë)

,begin bold,Dictionary,end bold,

,begin bold,encumber,end bold, ,begin italics,v.,end italics, 1. to stop 2. to cram or fill 3. to burden

Which word means the same as ,begin emphasis,encumber,end emphasis, as it is used in the second paragraph?

Answer options with 4 options




2. hinder

This semester, with some trepidation, I decided to take a class on Shakespeare's tragedies. I appreciate that Ms. Robertson establishes clear expectations for students: the course requirements are ,begin underline,rigorous,end underline, but fair. On the first day of class, she handed out a detailed syllabus listing all the required readings, in-class projects, homework assignments, and tests. The course is definitely challenging, but in a good way, and Ms. Robertson is always very supportive and encouraging.

Select the ,begin emphasis,two,end emphasis, words that are most similar in meaning to ,begin emphasis,rigorous,end emphasis, as it is used in the passage.

Answer options with 5 options





1. demanding

5. thorough

Which line of poetry contains examples of assonance?

Answer options with 4 options
Odd how a lock of blond hair on a doll can notch the clock of memory.

We would ever seek in vain for the voice of the river.

Fireworks pop, sizzle, and swish above the buzz of the numberless crowd.

Petals fall, fall, fall, down, down, down and fade, fade, fade into nothing.

4. Petals fall, fall, fall, down, down, down and fade, fade, fade into nothing.

The word that means the same as "encumber" in the second paragraph is "hinder".

The word "encumber" is defined as "to stop," "to cram or fill," or "to burden" according to the provided dictionary definition. We are asked to find the word that means the same as "encumber" as it is used in the second paragraph. Let's look at the answer options:

1. Delay: This does not have the same meaning as "encumber." Delay means to postpone or make something happen later.

2. Hinder: This is the correct choice. Hinder means to obstruct or impede progress or movement, which is similar to "encumber."

3. Inconvenience: This does not have the same meaning as "encumber." Inconvenience refers to causing trouble or discomfort.

4. Prohibit: This does not have the same meaning as "encumber." Prohibit means to forbid or prohibit something from happening.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 2, "hinder."