A system of equations is shown.

y=5x + 5
complete the statement to explain whether (1,10) is a solution to the system of equations.
the point (1,10)______________ a solution to the system of equations because it satisfies ______
of the equations.

The point (1,10) is a solution to the system of equations because it satisfies both equations.

The point (1,10) is a solution to the system of equations because it satisfies both of the equations.

To verify this, let's substitute the values x=1 and y=10 into each equation:

For the first equation y=x+9:
10 = 1 + 9, which is true.

For the second equation y=5x+5:
10 = 5(1) + 5,
10 = 5 + 5,
10 = 10, which is also true.

Since both equations are satisfied when x=1 and y=10, the point (1,10) is indeed a solution to the system of equations.

To determine whether the point (1,10) is a solution to the system of equations, you need to substitute the values of x and y in both equations and check if they satisfy both equations.

Let's substitute x = 1 and y = 10 in the first equation:

y = x + 9
10 = 1 + 9
10 = 10

Since both sides of the equation are equal, the point (1,10) satisfies the first equation.

Now, let's substitute x = 1 and y = 10 in the second equation:

y = 5x + 5
10 = 5(1) + 5
10 = 5 + 5
10 = 10

Again, both sides of the equation are equal, so the point (1,10) satisfies the second equation as well.

Therefore, the point (1,10) is a solution to the system of equations because it satisfies both of the equations.