on a number line, √150 is estimated to be between which two whole numbers?

The square root of 150 is approximately 12.25. Since 12 and 13 are the whole numbers closest to 12.25, we can estimate that √150 is between 12 and 13 on a number line.

To estimate the value of √150 between two whole numbers, we can calculate the square roots of two consecutive perfect squares that are close to 150.

Let's start by finding the perfect squares that are near 150:

√144 = 12
√169 = 13

From this, we conclude that √150 is estimated to be between the whole numbers 12 and 13.

To estimate the square root of 150, you can start by finding the two perfect square numbers that are closest to 150. The perfect square numbers before and after 150 are 144 (12^2) and 169 (13^2), respectively.

Since 150 is closer to 144, we can estimate that the square root of 150 is between 12 and 13 on the number line.

To further refine the estimate, we can calculate the actual square root of 150. Using a calculator or a math software, you'll find that the square root of 150 is approximately 12.25.

Therefore, on a number line, √150 is estimated to be between the whole numbers 12 and 13.