What are the points (-1,2), (-1,-1), (2,2), and (2,-1) after a dilation with the scale factor of 4?

To dilate a point (x, y) by a scale factor of 4, we multiply both the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate by 4.

For the point (-1, 2):
New x-coordinate: -1 * 4 = -4
New y-coordinate: 2 * 4 = 8

So after dilation, the point (-1, 2) becomes (-4, 8).

For the point (-1, -1):
New x-coordinate: -1 * 4 = -4
New y-coordinate: -1 * 4 = -4

So after dilation, the point (-1, -1) remains at (-4, -4).

For the point (2, 2):
New x-coordinate: 2 * 4 = 8
New y-coordinate: 2 * 4 = 8

So after dilation, the point (2, 2) becomes (8, 8).

For the point (2, -1):
New x-coordinate: 2 * 4 = 8
New y-coordinate: -1 * 4 = -4

So after dilation, the point (2, -1) becomes (8, -4).

Therefore, the points (-1, 2), (-1, -1), (2, 2), and (2, -1) after dilation with a scale factor of 4 are:
(-4, 8), (-4, -4), (8, 8), (8, -4).

To find the points after a dilation with the scale factor of 4, we need to multiply each coordinate of the original points by the scale factor.

Let's go through the points one by one:

Point (-1, 2):
After the dilation, the x-coordinate will be -1 * 4 = -4, and the y-coordinate will be 2 * 4 = 8.
So, the new coordinates for this point are (-4, 8).

Point (-1, -1):
After the dilation, the x-coordinate will be -1 * 4 = -4, and the y-coordinate will be -1 * 4 = -4.
So, the new coordinates for this point are (-4, -4).

Point (2, 2):
After the dilation, the x-coordinate will be 2 * 4 = 8, and the y-coordinate will be 2 * 4 = 8.
So, the new coordinates for this point are (8, 8).

Point (2, -1):
After the dilation, the x-coordinate will be 2 * 4 = 8, and the y-coordinate will be -1 * 4 = -4.
So, the new coordinates for this point are (8, -4).

Therefore, after a dilation with the scale factor of 4, the points (-1, 2), (-1, -1), (2, 2), and (2, -1) become (-4, 8), (-4, -4), (8, 8), and (8, -4) respectively.

To find the coordinates of each point after a dilation with a scale factor of 4, you need to multiply the x and y coordinates of each point by the scale factor.

For the first point (-1, 2):

Multiplying the x-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
-1 * 4 = -4

Multiplying the y-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
2 * 4 = 8

Therefore, the new coordinates of the first point after dilation are (-4, 8).

For the second point (-1, -1):

Multiplying the x-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
-1 * 4 = -4

Multiplying the y-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
-1 * 4 = -4

Therefore, the new coordinates of the second point after dilation are (-4, -4).

For the third point (2, 2):

Multiplying the x-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
2 * 4 = 8

Multiplying the y-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
2 * 4 = 8

Therefore, the new coordinates of the third point after dilation are (8, 8).

For the fourth point (2, -1):

Multiplying the x-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
2 * 4 = 8

Multiplying the y-coordinate by the scale factor of 4, we get:
-1 * 4 = -4

Therefore, the new coordinates of the fourth point after dilation are (8, -4).

To summarize, after the dilation with a scale factor of 4, the coordinates of the points (-1,2), (-1,-1), (2,2), and (2,-1) become (-4,8), (-4,-4), (8,8), and (8,-4) respectively.