Stacy is painting her bedroom. She is able to paint 34 of the bedroom in 3 hours. At this rate, how long will it take her to paint the entire room?(1 point)


94 hours
Start Fraction 9 over 4 End Fraction hours

4 hours
4 hours

6 hours
6 hours

12 hours

4 hours

To find out how long it will take Stacy to paint the entire room, we can set up a proportion:

34/3 = 1/x

Cross multiplying, we get:

34 * x = 3 * 1

Simplifying, we have:

34x = 3

Dividing both sides by 34, we get:

x = 3/34

So, it will take Stacy 3/34 hours to paint the entire room.

Answer: Start Fraction 3 over 34 End Fraction hours

To find out how long it will take Stacy to paint the entire room, we need to figure out how long it takes her to paint one unit of the room.

Based on the information given, Stacy is able to paint 34 of the bedroom in 3 hours.

So, we can set up a proportion to solve for the time it takes her to paint the entire room.

The proportion can be set up as:

(34 units painted) / (3 hours) = (1 unit painted) / (x hours)

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

34 * x = 3 * 1

34x = 3

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 34:

x = 3 / 34

This calculates to approximately 0.0882 hours or 0.0882 * 60 minutes = 5.3 minutes.

Therefore, it will take Stacy approximately 0.0882 hours or 5.3 minutes to paint one unit of the room.

Since the entire room consists of one unit, it will take her approximately 0.0882 hours or 5.3 minutes to paint the entire room.