Meanwhile, Yoyo was on her knees, weeping wildly, collecting all the little pieces of her speech, hoping that she could put it back together before the assembly tomorrow morning. But not even a sibyl could have made sense of those tiny scraps of paper. All hope was lost. "He broke it, he broke it," Yoyo moaned as she picked up a handful of pieces.

What conflict does Yoyo face in this excerpt?

The conflict that Yoyo faces in this excerpt is the challenge of putting her speech back together before the assembly the next morning.

The conflict that Yoyo faces in this excerpt is that she is unable to put her speech back together before the assembly tomorrow morning.

In this excerpt, Yoyo faces the conflict of trying to put her speech back together before the assembly tomorrow morning. However, the challenge she encounters is that the pieces of her speech are too small and fragmented, making it nearly impossible for her to reconstruct it. This conflict creates a sense of hopelessness for Yoyo as she realizes that she may not be able to fix the situation in time.