
Which feature of civilizations describes a shared set of spiritual beliefs?

(1 point)

arts and architecture

arts and architecture

public works

public works



social class

The feature of civilizations that describes a shared set of spiritual beliefs is religion.

The feature of civilizations that describes a shared set of spiritual beliefs is religion.

To determine the feature of civilizations that describes a shared set of spiritual beliefs, you can analyze each response option and see which one fits the criteria.

1. Arts and architecture: While arts and architecture can certainly reflect and express an individual or collective spiritual belief system, this response option does not directly indicate a shared set of spiritual beliefs among a civilization.

2. Public works: Public works, such as infrastructure and construction projects, are typically undertaken for the benefit of a community or civilization, but they do not necessarily indicate a shared set of spiritual beliefs.

3. Religion: Religion is the correct response, as it refers to a system of beliefs, rituals, and practices centered around spirituality. Most civilizations have a distinct religion or set of spiritual beliefs that are shared by its members.

4. Social class: Social class is a division of society based on economic and social factors, and it does not directly refer to a shared set of spiritual beliefs.

In conclusion, the feature of civilizations that describes a shared set of spiritual beliefs is religion.