Which sentence describes deposition changing the surface of Earth?

A. A river breaks away rocks to form a canyon.
B. Lava from a volcano cools to form an island.
C. A delta is formed as a river flows into an ocean.
D. A mountain range is formed as tectonic plates collide.

C. A delta is formed as a river flows into an ocean.

C. A delta is formed as a river flows into an ocean.

The sentence that describes deposition changing the surface of Earth is C. A delta is formed as a river flows into an ocean.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's first clarify what deposition is. Deposition is a geological process where sediments, like rocks, sand, and soil, are dropped or deposited in a new location. These sediments are usually transported by wind, water, or ice.

In the case of a river flowing into an ocean, the river carries sediments (such as sand, silt, and clay) downstream. As the river approaches the ocean where the water slows down, the sediments start to settle and accumulate. This gradual accumulation of sediments forms a fan-shaped land feature called a delta. Deltas are commonly found at river mouths, where the river deposits its sediments into a larger body of water.

Therefore, option C, "A delta is formed as a river flows into an ocean," best describes how deposition changes the surface of the Earth.