One instance in which a person will NOT have a public trial is if the accused __________.

A refuses onerefuses one
B is a juvenileis a juvenile
C pleads "not guilty"pleads "not guilty"
D has committed a felony

The correct answer is B. If the accused is a juvenile, they will not have a public trial.

The correct answer is B) is a juvenile. A person who is a juvenile, meaning they are under the age of 18, may not have a public trial in some cases. This is to protect their privacy and provide a more supportive and rehabilitative environment for young offenders.

To find the answer to this question, you can use your knowledge of legal concepts regarding public trials and the rights of juveniles. Specifically, you should know that the right to a public trial is a fundamental principle in many legal systems. However, there are exceptions, and one of them is for juveniles. Additionally, you could also research the topic using reliable legal sources or consult a legal expert for more information.