The average distance from earth to Mars is 2.25 × 10^8 km and the distance from earth to neptune is 4.3514

E +9 km.

There seems to be missing information in your question. Could you please provide the complete distance from Earth to Neptune?

To find the average distance from Earth to Mars and the distance from Earth to Neptune, we can use the given numbers.

The average distance from Earth to Mars is 2.25 × 10^8 km. This number is written in scientific notation, where 10^8 means "10 raised to the power of 8." So, 2.25 × 10^8 km means 2.25 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 8, which translates to 2,250,000,000 km.

The distance from Earth to Neptune is given as 4.3514 (presumably in units of astronomical units or AU). However, the value seems to be incomplete, as the units are not mentioned. Therefore, we cannot directly calculate the distance from Earth to Neptune.

If you have more information about the distance unit or can provide the full value, I can help you further.