Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses based on who or whom is in each sentence.

¿Tú ___ (esquiar) en el invierno?

O esquiamos
O esquias
O esquia
O esquio

¿Tú esquías (esquiar) en el invierno?

The correct form of the verb in parentheses is "esquias".

¿Tú esquias (esquiar) en el invierno?

To determine the correct form of the verb in parentheses, we need to identify the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "tú" (you).

In Spanish, the verb form for "tú" in the present tense is typically different from the infinitive form.

The correct form of the verb "esquiar" (to ski) in the present tense for "tú" is "esquias".

Therefore, the correct sentence is:

¿Tú esquias en el invierno?