Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses based on who or whom is in each sentence.

Ustedes no ___ (montar) en bicicleta en el parque?

O montan
O montáis
O monta
O montamos

Ustedes no montan (montar) en bicicleta en el parque?

The correct form of the verb in this sentence would be "montáis."

To determine the correct form of the verb in this sentence, we need to identify the subject. The subject of the sentence is "ustedes", which is the second person plural pronoun in Spanish meaning "you all". Since "ustedes" is a plural subject, we need a verb form that agrees with it in the second person plural form.

The correct form of the verb "montar" in the second person plural is "montan". Therefore, the correct answer is "Ustedes no montan en bicicleta en el parque?"