What are some responsibilities of the Department of Health and Human Services?(1 point) Responses to monitor and ensure that federal civil rights are enforced to monitor and ensure that federal civil rights are enforced to provide Social Security benefits for all Americans to provide Social Security benefits for all Americans to provide research and protection against environmental pollutants to provide research and protection against environmental pollutants to provide services such as Medicare and Medicaid

to provide services such as Medicare and Medicaid

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has several key responsibilities, including but not limited to:

1. To monitor and ensure that federal civil rights are enforced.
2. To provide Social Security benefits for all Americans.
3. To provide research and protection against environmental pollutants.
4. To provide services such as Medicare and Medicaid.

These are just a few of the many responsibilities of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is a government agency responsible for a wide range of important responsibilities related to health and social services in the United States. Some of these responsibilities include:

1. Monitoring and enforcing federal civil rights: HHS is responsible for monitoring and ensuring that federal civil rights are enforced in areas such as healthcare, human services, and public health. This includes protecting against discrimination based on factors like race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and religion.

To learn more about HHS's role in monitoring and enforcing federal civil rights, you can visit the official HHS website and navigate to the section that focuses on civil rights. This section will provide information on the laws, regulations, and guidance related to civil rights enforcement.

2. Providing Social Security benefits: HHS plays a role in providing Social Security benefits for eligible Americans. Social Security is a federal program that provides financial support to retired workers, disabled individuals, and the surviving dependents of deceased workers.

To understand how HHS is involved in providing Social Security benefits, you can visit the dedicated section on the official Social Security Administration (SSA) website. The SSA is an independent agency under HHS, and their website contains detailed information on the various programs and services related to Social Security.

3. Conducting research and protection against environmental pollutants: HHS is responsible for conducting research and implementing measures to protect the public from environmental pollutants that may pose risks to human health. This includes activities related to air and water quality, toxic substances, and occupational health.

To learn more about HHS's efforts in researching and protecting against environmental pollutants, you can explore the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) website. NIEHS is a part of HHS and focuses on the advancement of environmental health sciences through research, training, and communication.

4. Providing services such as Medicare and Medicaid: HHS oversees and administers important healthcare programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is a federal health insurance program primarily for senior citizens and certain disabled individuals, while Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides medical assistance to low-income individuals and families.

To understand the specific role of HHS in providing services like Medicare and Medicaid, you can visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website. CMS is an agency within HHS that is responsible for administering these programs and ensuring their effectiveness and accessibility to eligible individuals.

By exploring these various resources and understanding the specific agencies and programs within HHS, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the responsibilities of the Department of Health and Human Services.