Multiple Choice Question

Which region is home to Georgia’s highest mountain, Brasstown Bald?
Coastal Plain
Blue Ridge
Appalachian Plateau

C. Blue Ridge

C. Blue Ridge

To find the answer to this question, we need to know the location of Georgia's highest mountain, Brasstown Bald. One way to determine this is by using a search engine and looking for information about Brasstown Bald's location.

Let's search for "Brasstown Bald Georgia" using a search engine like Google. The search results will likely include various websites that provide information about the mountain's location and characteristics. Look for a reliable source, such as a government or educational website, that provides accurate information.

In this case, the information about Brasstown Bald's location will likely mention the region in which it is found. After finding a reliable source, check the information provided to see if it states the region where Brasstown Bald is located.

According to the search results and reliable sources, Brasstown Bald is located in the Blue Ridge region of Georgia.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is C. Blue Ridge.