A student in your class gets picked on by other students. He says its okay because that means the other students like him. This is an example of [Select all that apply]

A. a coping strategy
B. a defense mechanism
C. a learned emotion
D. primary emotion

A. a coping strategy

B. a defense mechanism

You can usually recognize when a person is happy just by looking at the expression on their face. This is because happiness is

A. a learned emotion
B. a defense mechanism
C. a coping strategy
D. a primary emotion

D. a primary emotion

A sense of patriotism is an example of [select all that apply]

A. love
B. fear
C. a primary emotion
D. a learned emotion

A. love

C. a primary emotion
D. a learned emotion

B. a defense mechanism

To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and evaluate if it applies to the described scenario:

A. A coping strategy: A coping strategy refers to the actions or thoughts that individuals engage in to manage stress or difficult situations. In this case, the student's response can be seen as a coping strategy since they are finding a way to rationalize or minimize the negative experience of being picked on.

B. A defense mechanism: Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that individuals use unconsciously to protect themselves from perceived threats or anxiety. The student's response could be considered a defense mechanism, specifically the defense mechanism of rationalization. By interpreting the bullying as a sign of being liked, the student is protecting their self-esteem and minimizing the impact of the negative experience.

C. A learned emotion: A learned emotion is an emotional response that is acquired through learning and influenced by an individual's environment and experiences. While the student's response could be influenced by their past experiences, it does not directly represent a specific emotion that has been learned. Therefore, this option does not apply.

D. Primary emotion: Primary emotions refer to basic, universal emotional experiences that are present from infancy. Examples of primary emotions are happiness, sadness, anger, fear, etc. The student's response does not directly align with any primary emotion.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answers are:

A. a coping strategy
B. a defense mechanism