Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition.

Question 1 options:

A constant or a variable in an expression. It is separated by + and - signs.

The number in front of a variable.

Must have both the same base (or variable) and the same exponent (or power).

>, < >, <

A mathematical phrase that can contain numbers, variables and operators (like adding and subtracting). Does NOT have an equal sign.




Like Terms


1. Expression

2. Coefficient

3. Like Terms

4. Term

5. Inequality

Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition.

Question 1 options:

A constant or a variable in an expression. It is separated by + and - signs.

The number in front of a variable.

Must have both the same base (or variable) and the same exponent (or power).

>, < >, <

A mathematical phrase that can contain numbers, variables and operators (like adding and subtracting). Does NOT have an equal sign.




Like Terms


1. Expression

2. Coefficient

3. Like Terms

4. Term

5. Inequality

the answers?

My apologies for not providing the answers with the definitions. Here are the correct matches:

1. Expression - A mathematical phrase that can contain numbers, variables, and operators (like adding and subtracting). Does NOT have an equal sign.

2. Coefficient - The number in front of a variable.

3. Like Terms - Must have both the same base (or variable) and the same exponent (or power).

4. Term - A constant or variable in an expression. It is separated by + and - signs.

5. Inequality - >, <, or ≠; symbols used to compare two quantities.

1. Expression

2. Coefficient

3. Like Terms

4. Term

5. Inequality

To match the vocabulary word with the correct definition, you can follow these steps:

1. Read each vocabulary word and definition.
2. Understand the meaning of each definition.
3. Identify the vocabulary word that corresponds to the definition.

Now, let's match the vocabulary word with the correct definition:

1. Definition: A constant or a variable in an expression. It is separated by + and - signs.
Vocabulary word: Term

2. Definition: The number in front of a variable.
Vocabulary word: Coefficient

3. Definition: Must have both the same base (or variable) and the same exponent (or power).
Vocabulary word: Like Terms

4. Definition: A mathematical phrase that can contain numbers, variables and operators (like adding and subtracting). Does NOT have an equal sign.
Vocabulary word: Expression

5. Definition: >, < >, <
Vocabulary word: Inequality

So, the correct matches are:
1. Term
2. Coefficient
3. Like Terms
4. Expression
5. Inequality