Miguel is returning from a trip. In 4 hours he has driven 2/3 of the total distance. He wants to know how long the total drive will take . At this rate, what is the total time it will take him to reach his destination

If Miguel has driven 2/3 of the total distance in 4 hours, then he has 1/3 of the distance remaining to travel.

To find the total time it will take him to reach his destination, we can set up a proportion: (time taken to drive 2/3 of the distance) / (total time) = (2/3) / 1.
Let's call the total time it will take Miguel to reach his destination "x".
So, (4 hours) / (x) = (2/3) / 1.
Cross multiplying, we get 4x = (2/3) * 1.
Simplifying the right side of the equation, we have 4x = 2/3.
Dividing both sides by 4, we find that x = (2/3) / 4.
Simplifying the right side of the equation, we have x = 2/12.
Therefore, it will take Miguel 2/12 of an hour, or 10 minutes, to reach his destination. Answer: \boxed{10}.

To find the total time it will take Miguel to reach his destination, we need to use the information given. We know that in 4 hours, he has driven 2/3 of the total distance.

Step 1: Find the remaining distance
Since Miguel has driven 2/3 of the total distance in 4 hours, he has 1/3 of the distance remaining. This means the remaining distance is 1/3 of the total distance.

Step 2: Determine the time it will take to drive the remaining distance
Since Miguel has already driven for 4 hours, the time it will take to drive the remaining distance can be calculated as follows:
Time = (1/3) x Total time

Step 3: Calculate the total time
To calculate the total time it will take him to reach his destination, we need to add the time he has already driven (4 hours) to the time it will take to drive the remaining distance (as calculated in Step 2).

Total time = 4 hours + Time to drive the remaining distance

Please note that we would need additional information to calculate the exact time it will take Miguel to reach his destination. This includes the total distance and the speed at which he is traveling.

To find out the total time it will take for Miguel to reach his destination, we need to determine the remaining distance he has to travel and the speed at which he is driving.

We know that Miguel has driven 2/3 of the total distance in 4 hours. This means that he has 1/3 (since 2/3 + 1/3 = 1) of the total distance remaining.

To determine the total time it will take, we need to find out how long it takes for Miguel to drive this remaining distance. We have the information that it took him 4 hours to drive 2/3 of the distance, so we can find the driving speed by dividing the distance by the time:

Driving speed = Distance / Time
Driving speed = (2/3) of the total distance / 4 hours

Now, we can calculate the total time it will take for Miguel to reach his destination. Since driving speed = Distance / Time, we can rearrange the equation to solve for Time:

Time = Distance / Driving speed

Using the values we already have:

Time = (1/3) of the total distance / (2/3 of the total distance / 4 hours)

The (2/3 of the total distance / 4 hours) represents the driving speed we calculated earlier. Simplifying the equation:

Time = (1/3) of the total distance * (4 hours / (2/3 of the total distance))

The (1/3 of the total distance * (4 hours) represents the remaining distance, and the (2/3 of the total distance) in the denominator is the driving speed. Simplifying further:

Time = (1/3) of the total distance * (4 hours / (2/3) of the total distance)

The (1/3 of the total distance) on the numerator cancels out with the (2/3 of the total distance) in the denominator. Simplifying again:

Time = 4 hours

Therefore, it will take Miguel 4 hours to reach his destination.