Which of the following reasons best explain why American Indians in the Arctic built igloos?

A. To provide shade from the sun
B. To provide shelter from the cold
C. To store the meat from animals they hunted
D. To store plants and other food they gathered during summer

B. To provide shelter from the cold

The best reason for why American Indians in the Arctic built igloos is B. To provide shelter from the cold. Igloos are dome-shaped shelters made from ice and snow, which provide insulation and protection from the harsh cold temperatures in the Arctic region.

The best reason why American Indians in the Arctic built igloos is option B: to provide shelter from the cold. Igloos are dome-shaped structures made from blocks of snow and ice, and they are exceptionally well-suited for the Arctic climate. Igloos have a unique design that helps insulate the interior from the extreme cold outside. The dome shape allows for less heat transfer, and the snow and ice also act as insulation, preventing the cold air from seeping through. The compact construction helps to trap body heat, making the igloo a warm and comfortable living space. Building igloos allowed the American Indians to create a protective shelter that could withstand the harsh temperatures and blizzards of the Arctic region.