Identify the type of irony used in the following scenario: You are watching a cartoon of a cat chasing a mouse outside in a yard. You see the mouse run under a fence to get away from the cat. Behind the fence, you see a big dog sleeping. The cat, feeling smart and superior, decides to run around the fence to get the mouse. (1 point) Responses verbal irony verbal irony dramatic irony dramatic irony situational irony situational irony

The complete predicate in the sentence "The settlers traveled west in covered wagons" is "traveled west in covered wagons."

The simple subject in the sentence is "lines" and the simple verb is "provided".

Identify the complete predicate in the sentence below. "The settlers traveled west in covered wagons." (1 point) Responses traveled west traveled west settlers traveled settlers traveled traveled west in covered wagons

Identify the simple subject and verb in the sentence below. "Soon, telegraph lines provided additional communication to the city." (1 point) Responses lines provided lines provided telegraph lines soon provided telegraph lines soon provided lines provided communication

The type of irony in this scenario is situational irony. Situational irony occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. In this case, it is expected that the cat, feeling smart and superior, will successfully catch the mouse. However, the ironic twist is that there is a big dog sleeping behind the fence, which presents a new obstacle for the cat, resulting in an unexpected outcome. To identify this type of irony, you need to analyze the situation and understand the contrast between what is expected and what actually occurs.

The type of irony used in this scenario is situational irony.

The type of irony used in this scenario is situational irony.