Which strategy would be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different?(1 point)


a Venn diagram
a Venn diagram

a pie chart
a pie chart

a timeline
a timeline

a bar graph

a Venn diagram

The strategy that can be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different is a Venn diagram.

The strategy that would be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different is a Venn diagram.

To create a Venn diagram, you would need to analyze the texts and identify their similarities and differences. Start by reading both texts carefully and identifying the main ideas and arguments presented by each author. Look for common themes, ideas, or evidence that the authors share. These shared elements would be placed in the overlapping section of the Venn diagram.

Next, identify the distinct points or perspectives that each author presents. These would be placed in separate sections of the Venn diagram that do not overlap, indicating the differences between the texts.

Ultimately, a Venn diagram allows you to visually represent the similarities and differences between two texts, making it an effective strategy for comparing and contrasting different authors' views on the same topic.