Consider the paragraphs below. Which paragraph is more appropriate as a conclusion paragraph?

Paragraph A

Gender based violence is defined in various ways by different researchers and organisations. It is the general term used to capture violence that occurs as a result of the normative role expectations associated with each gender, as well as the unequal power relationships between the genders within the context of a specific society (Bloom 2008: 14). On the whole, South Africa has made strides in uplifting women in the country. However, despite this progress, GBV still remains unacceptably high. Cultural, religious, social and economic factors play a role in driving GBV. It is the aim of this essay to critically discuss the causes of GBV so that sound interventions can be developed to deal with it.

Paragraph B

This essay showed that economic, cultural, social and religious factors drive GBV in communities. The state’s failure to implement GBV-related policies and legislation also contributes to the problem. Legislation cannot operate in isolation. The full context must be taken into account, including how interventions aimed at addressing GBV are implemented and evaluated.

Paragraph C

A study involving a random selection of women in South Africa concluded that 24.6% have experienced some kind of physical assault from their current partners (Jewkes et al. 2002). National figures for intimate femicide (men killing their intimate female partners) suggest that this is the most lethal form of domestic violence in South Africa. In 1999, 8.8 per 100 000 of the female population aged 14 years and older died at the hands of their partners – the highest rate ever reported in research anywhere in the world (Mathews et al. 2004). In terms of femicide, of the seven women murdered (average) every day between March 2010 and March 2011, at least half of the murders were perpetrated by intimate partners (Abrahams et al. 2013).

Paragraph A

Paragraph B

Paragraph C

B. Paragraph B

B. Paragraph B

In order to determine which paragraph is more appropriate as a conclusion, let's analyze each paragraph.

Paragraph A focuses on the definition of gender-based violence (GBV) and acknowledges that South Africa has made progress in uplifting women, but GBV still remains high. The paragraph concludes by stating that the aim of the essay is to discuss the causes of GBV and develop interventions to deal with it.

Paragraph B summarizes the factors that drive GBV, including economic, cultural, social, religious factors, and the failure of the state to implement GBV-related policies. It emphasizes that legislation alone cannot solve the problem and that interventions need to consider the full context.

Paragraph C presents statistical evidence of the prevalence and severity of GBV in South Africa, particularly focusing on intimate partner violence. It provides data on physical assault and femicide rates.

Considering the question of which paragraph is more appropriate as a conclusion, Paragraph B seems to be the most appropriate choice. It effectively summarizes the main points discussed in the essay, highlighting the different factors driving GBV and the importance of considering the full context, including implementation and evaluation of interventions. It serves as a logical and comprehensive conclusion to the preceding discussion.

Therefore, the preferred conclusion paragraph is:

B. Paragraph B