Determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship. If they do not have a proportional relationship, indicate why.

1 2 3 7 10
5 1015 35 50

The quantities in the data table do not have a proportional relationship. This is because there is no constant ratio between the corresponding values in both columns. For example, when the first column increases by 2 (from 1 to 3), the second column value increases by 30 (from 5 to 35), which is not a constant ratio. Similarly, when the first column increases by 3 (from 3 to 7), the second column value increases by 15 (from 35 to 50), which is also not a constant ratio. Therefore, the quantities in the data table do not exhibit a proportional relationship.

Just tell me the answer without the paragraph ng

No, the quantities in the data table do not exhibit a proportional relationship.

K, what's the answer? No, the ratios are not equivalent.

No, the ratios are not equivalent.

Yes, the data table has a proportional relationship.

Yes, the data table has a proportional relationship.

No, the table does not count consecutively.

No, the table does not count consecutively.

No, the ratio 7:35 is not proportional to the other ratios.

No, the ratios are not equivalent.

Determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship. If they do not have a proportional relationship, indicate why.

1 2 3 4
12 26 30 48

Yes, this data table has a proportional relationship.

Yes, this data table has a proportional relationship.

No, none of the ratios have equivalence.

No, none of the ratios have equivalence.

No, you can’t bike 12 miles in an hour.

No, you can’t bike 12 miles in an hour.

No, not all of the ratios are proportional or have equivalence

No, this data table does not have a proportional relationship. The ratios between the corresponding values in the two columns are not equivalent. For example, when the first column increases by 1 (from 1 to 2), the second column value increases by 14 (from 12 to 26), which is not a constant ratio. Similarly, the ratios between the other values in the two columns are also not equal. Therefore, the quantities in the data table do not exhibit a proportional relationship.

Determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship. If they are not in a proportional relationship, indicate why.(1 point)Responses

1 2 3 4

9 18 27 36

No, the ratio of 1 hour to $9 is not proportional.

No, the ratio of 1 hour to $9 is not proportional.

No, the ratios are not equivalent.

No, the ratios are not equivalent.

Yes, the ratios are in a proportional relationship.

Yes, the ratios are in a proportional relationship.

No, the ratio of 3 hours to $27 is not proportional.

Yes, the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship. The ratio of the corresponding values in both columns is always the same. For example, when the first column increases by 1 (from 1 to 2), the second column value also increases by a factor of 2 (from 9 to 18). Similarly, this relationship holds true for the other values in the table. Therefore, the quantities in the data table have a proportional relationship.

To determine if the quantities in a data table are in a proportional relationship, we need to check if one quantity is a constant multiple of the other.

In the given data table:
- The first quantity is: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10.
- The second quantity is: 5, 1015, 35, 50.

Let's check if the second quantity is a constant multiple of the first quantity.

First, let's divide each number in the second quantity by the corresponding number in the first quantity:

5 / 1 = 5
1015 / 2 = 507.5
35 / 3 ≈ 11.67
50 / 7 ≈ 7.14

Looking at the results, we can see that the ratios are not constant. For a proportional relationship, the ratios should be the same for all pairs of numbers.

Therefore, the quantities in the data table are not in a proportional relationship.