Which of the following was NOT a goal of the Freedman's Bureau? (1 point) Responses to settle labor disputes and give legal advice to former slaves to settle labor disputes and give legal advice to former slaves to provide food and medical care to those in need in the South to provide food and medical care to those in need in the South to establish schools to educate former slaves and help them find work to establish schools to educate former slaves and help them find work to protest against the treatment of African Americans in Southern states

to protest against the treatment of African Americans in Southern states

The goal of the Freedman's Bureau that was NOT mentioned in the options is to protest against the treatment of African Americans in Southern states.

To determine which of the following was NOT a goal of the Freedman's Bureau, we need to review the functions and goals of the bureau. The Freedman's Bureau was established by the U.S. government in 1865 to aid newly freed African Americans after the Civil War. It provided assistance in several areas, including settling labor disputes, providing legal advice, offering food and medical care, establishing schools, and helping former slaves find work.

Analyzing the given options, we can rule out "to protest against the treatment of African Americans in Southern states" as a goal of the Freedman's Bureau. While the bureau aimed to protect the rights of African Americans and provide assistance, it did not have an explicit objective to organize or participate in protests or demonstrations against their treatment.

Therefore, the correct answer is: to protest against the treatment of African Americans in Southern states.