Diego is warming up to compete in a 3,200-meter race. Although he'll need to pace himself to go the distance, he also needs to run faster than his competitors. Will Diego be using aerobic or anaerobic exercise during the race?

Question 1 options:



only aerobic

only anaerobic

Diego will be primarily using aerobic exercise during the race.

During the 3,200-meter race, Diego will be using both aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

To determine whether Diego will be using aerobic or anaerobic exercise during the race, we need to understand the energy systems involved in different types of exercises.

Aerobic exercise refers to activities that require a sustained level of oxygen consumption over an extended period. It primarily utilizes the aerobic energy system, which relies on oxygen to break down carbohydrates and fats for fuel. This type of exercise is characterized by lower intensity and longer duration, such as jogging or long-distance running.

On the other hand, anaerobic exercise involves high-intensity, short-duration activities that do not rely on oxygen for energy production. It primarily uses the anaerobic energy systems, such as the ATP-PC system, which rapidly supplies energy for explosive movements. Examples of anaerobic exercise include sprinting or weightlifting.

In Diego's case, since he is participating in a 3,200-meter race, which is a relatively long-distance event, he will primarily be relying on the aerobic energy system. This means he will need to maintain a pace that allows him to sustain oxygen consumption over the duration of the race. Aerobic exercise is more suitable for endurance-based activities like long-distance running, as it provides a steady supply of energy.

However, it's important to note that during certain moments of the race, such as a sprint towards the finish line or overtaking competitors, Diego may briefly tap into anaerobic energy systems to generate additional power and speed. But overall, the main energy system utilized during the majority of the race will be aerobic.

Therefore, the correct answer is: only aerobic.