Simplify the expression. (34x−1)+(34x−2) (1 point) Responses 1 1 34x+13 fourths x plus 1 -3 -3 32x−3

The simplified expression is 68x - 3.

To simplify the expression (34x−1)+(34x−2), we combine like terms by adding the coefficients of the variables.

The first term, 34x, and the second term, 34x, have the same variable, x. So, when we add them, we get 34x + 34x = 68x.

The next step is to simplify the constants. -1 and -2 have no variables, so we add them to get -1 + -2 = -3.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 68x - 3.

To simplify the expression (34x−1)+(34x−2), you can combine like terms. Like terms have same variables with the same exponents.

Step 1: Distribute the addition ( + ) sign to both terms inside the parentheses:

34x − 1 + 34x − 2

Step 2: Combine the like terms together. Add the coefficients of the x terms (34x and 34x) and the constants (-1 and -2):

34x + 34x - 1 - 2

Step 3: Simplify the expression:

68x - 3

So, the simplified form of the expression (34x−1)+(34x−2) is 68x - 3.