What is the number 7.3×10^-8 written in decimal notation?

The number 7.3×10^-8 in decimal notation is 0.000000073.

To convert a number written in scientific notation to decimal notation, you can simply move the decimal point the number of places indicated by the exponent.

In the given number, 7.3×10^-8, the exponent -8 indicates that we need to move the decimal point 8 places to the left.

Starting with the number 7.3, here is the step-by-step process:

1. Move the decimal point 1 place to the left: 0.73.
2. Move the decimal point 1 more place to the left: 0.073.
3. Move the decimal point 1 more place to the left: 0.0073.
4. Move the decimal point 1 more place to the left: 0.00073.
5. Move the decimal point 1 more place to the left: 0.000073.
6. Move the decimal point 1 more place to the left: 0.0000073.
7. Move the decimal point 1 more place to the left: 0.00000073.
8. Move the decimal point 1 more place to the left: 0.000000073.

So, the number 7.3×10^-8 written in decimal notation is 0.000000073.

To convert a number written in scientific notation to decimal notation, you need to multiply the coefficient (7.3) by 10 raised to the power of the exponent (-8).

In this case, the number is 7.3×10^-8. To convert it to decimal notation, follow these steps:

1. Take the coefficient, which is 7.3.
2. Multiply it by 10 raised to the power of the exponent, in this case, -8.
3. When you raise 10 to a negative power, you move the decimal point to the left by that many places. So, in this case, you move the decimal point 8 places to the left.

7.3 × 10^(-8) = 0.000000073

Therefore, the number 7.3×10^-8 written in decimal notation is 0.000000073.