Which region has the greatest combine percentage of Asia and pacific islander people southeast north east west or Midwest

The region with the greatest combined percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander people in the United States is the West region. This region typically includes states such as California, Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii, which have large populations of Asian and Pacific Islander communities.

To determine which region has the greatest combined percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander people in the United States, we can refer to the latest available data from the U.S. Census Bureau. As of the 2019 Census estimates, the following regions have the highest percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander population:

1. West Region: The West region, which includes states such as California, Washington, and Hawaii, has the highest combined percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander people in the United States.

2. Pacific Region: Specifically, the Pacific region, which consists of the states along the Pacific coastline such as California and Washington, has a significant proportion of Asian and Pacific Islander population.

Please note that the specific percentages can vary based on the latest available data and the precise definition of the regions. It is recommended to consult the official U.S. Census Bureau website for the most up-to-date and detailed information on demographic statistics.

To find out which region in the United States has the greatest combined percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) people, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather the population data: Find the population data for each region in the United States. You can refer to credible sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau or other official government websites.

2. Identify the regions: The regions you mentioned are Southeast, Northeast, West, and Midwest. For each region, locate the specific states that belong to those regions. The assigned states might vary depending on the source you are using, so make sure to identify the boundaries for each region.

3. Determine the API population: Look for the population figures for Asian and Pacific Islander individuals in each region. This can be done by checking the available demographic data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau or other reliable sources. The Census Bureau usually provides detailed breakdowns of ethnicities and regions.

4. Calculate the combined percentage: Once you have the population numbers for each region, add up the API population figures for the specified states in each region. Then divide the combined API population by the total population of that region. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

5. Compare the regions: After obtaining the percentages for each region, analyze the data to identify the region with the highest combined percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander populations.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine which region in the United States has the greatest combined percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander people.